Movie Reviews

Running the Sahara

On Showtime there was this show about 3 guys who were running non-stop across the Saraha Desert. In 111 Days they ran a total of about 170 marathons and over 2,000 miles.  I can barely run a mile right now and I was inspired by these guys. They had to deal with crossing borders and keeping up their food supply and food intake, but they did it. I was so inspired I thought it would be cool to start running again. I don’t know if my body can handle it, but I see these people who triumph over adversity and I want to be one of those people. If someone can run a marathon with a missing leg or a huge blister, then maybe I can get out and run a couple of miles a day?

What I also loved about the show was that it showed the land, how people live in Africa, the need for wells and water and what we can do to help. It’s easy to sit in our comfy living rooms sometimes and not think about those people in 3rd world countries whose very existence is threatened daily because they don’t have basic necessities. The three guys that ran this incredible journey started a website called and you can find out more about the run on

Movie Reviews Relationships

That’s Just My Baby Mama…

Erin and I went with Roger and Jes last night to PF Changs and then to see Baby Mama. I enjoyed the movie, but I enjoyed spending time with Roger and Jes more. They recently bought a house and they’ve been confined to a strict budget and working every spare minute on their remodeling project. I’ve been very impressed with them, but even more I’m really excited that they live so close by and now we can just do stuff during the middle of the week spontaneously and how cool is that?

I’ve noticed that as i get older I really MUST have a routine. Who would have ever thought it? But it’s true. I plan things way out in advance, I schedule and I mentally prepare and then when it comes time to do things I do them well. However, spontaneous stuff with the right people can be fun and non-stressful and that is what makes it so great to be close to R&J.

Baby Mama was pretty funny and Erin and I were cackling loudly at different times. I’m actually quite aware of the fact that both of us are loud laughers. This could be a dangerous combo. But if we do end up getting married and she laughs real loud and someone says, “Who dat is?” I’ll respond with, “That’s Just My Baby Mama, Thas jus my baby Mama…”

Movie Reviews Relationships

She likes me for me, not because I look like Tyson Beckford…

88 minutes was pretty good. When Erin and I arrived there were already quite a few people in the theater. 25 minutes early, munching on popcorn I noticed that we were surrounded by septuagenarians.  I told  Erin, “Have you noticed that we are surrounded by old people? We are the youngest people in here.” People continued to walk in and we were watching for my roommate and his girlfriend. I expected him to be late as that is his m.o. but that only made me more aware of the fact that everyone entering the theater was old.

Finally, a young black couple sat down beside us. I decided that our row would be the young hip row.

The movie started and still no sign of my roommate or his girl. About 7 minutes into the movie they show up. I use my phone to alert them to where we are sitting. I had a feeling he wouldn’t make it at all. He has a history of having random things happen to him. Once I had to pick him up from a phone store because his ex-girlfriend’s dad had pulled a knife on him. He’s been in jail a couple of times for unpaid traffic tickets and I won’t let him use my lawn mower or wash dishes because I am afraid he will break them. If I had to write his six word memoir it would read: Blissfully Ignorant. Dangerously Clumsy. Spent Much.

Erin and I had more fun before the movie than I think we did while watching the movie. We have a surprising number of things in common. We love the same movies, we both love to dance and sing karaoke and – this one surprised me, we both own and salivate over, the Michael Jackson “History” DVD.  “We should have a Michael Jackson night and dress up and watch his videos” Erin said. “I could be Michael and you could be Janet!” I replied without missing a beat. I then went on as to how we could get afro’s and dress in 70’s clothes.

So far things are going great. The true test of this relationship will be her cooking abilities, whether or not she bakes a good chocolate chip cookie, and if she enjoys watching Food Network. But in reality, what is most important to me is that she likes me for me. I’ve never dated a girl that “gets” me and my humor the way Erin gets me. She laughs easily at my jokes and even when I’m not making jokes. And, she doesn’t fence me in or expect “quality time”. She understands that any time with me is “quality time”. (Take a note people. haha.)

88 Minutes is pretty good, a little gory and disturbing. Picture girls tied upside down hanging from the ceiling being tortured and screaming. It’s gruesome, but it keeps you guessing.

Movie Reviews

88 Minutes

I’m off to see 88 Minutes tonight with Erin and maybe my roommate and his gal. I’m looking forward to a good action flick. Is it just me or does it seem like we have been in a serious movie slump this year? I think the best movie I’ve seen this year was Horton Hears a Who.

What do you think about that new Jackie Chan – Jet Li movie that also comes out today? Cheesefest or thrill ride?

Culture Movie Reviews

Bra Boys

A Surf Documentary that Russell Crow narrates… here is a clip…