Design Job Updates

5 Things I’ve Learned from Freelancing

1. Take the time to create a detailed plan

When I meet with clients you need to be sure and convey how much time it actually takes to do web design or anything technical. Even when you have been doing IT work for 10 years, a job done well is going to take some time.

2. Gather Requirements

I’ve been freelancing for years now and only recently have I started becoming truly profitable. Often times I would spend so many hours on a project that my rate of pay was below minimum wage. As a Business Analyst for Texas Instruments I learned that it is important to spend a little bit of time gathering exactly what the clients requirements are. You have to come in with a handful of probing questions and you don’t just ask the questions once, you ask them repeatedly in varying ways and then you repeat them back to your client. “So what you just said to me is that you want a blue website with florescent green font and a red logo?” 

3. Don’t Lower Your Standards

I had a client ask me to build them a website around an ugly logo. The logo as so bad that it was like asking me to take a turd and to bake a cake with it. I informed the client that they needed to update their logo and that it would be really hard for me to build something nice and visually pleasing around it. I actually attempted to make the site in three different layouts, but the font on their logo with the ugly background colors and clashing blue and green Times New Roman Font continued to  limit my creativity. I finally told the client that it wasn’t possible for me to work with this logo. I have to be able to do work that I am proud of in order to do an amazing job for my clients. 

4. Get the Money Up Front!

Whatever you do, do not start a project unless you get some money up front. Clients should be willing to pay 25 to 50 percent down and the rest of the money upon completion of the site. When you don’t get money up front then the client has the ability to draw out the project indefinitely. Instead, create a contract with simple terms stating the agreement, the expectations and when the site will be done. Hold up your end of the bargain and make sure they hold up theirs. 

5. The client is rarely right

I’ve found that most of my clients do not even have the faintest idea about design or IT work and how much time it takes to make simple graphics look good in multiple browsers. If it looks great in IE it might not look good in Firefox or Mozilla. Also, when it comes to design they often want to pair colors and images that clash or they want the logo bigger or something animated. Beautiful web design doesn’t have to be gimmicky and a good designer knows how to highlight your product without coming across as desperate. 

I don’t know everything yet and I’ve found some great sites to help me learn. One of them is and the other is

Okay, I gotta get back to work!

Job Updates

The Job Front

Ugh. What do I want to do? With all the possibilities I’m finding myself hesitating to make a big step back into the Dilbert world of Corporate America.

I’d like to work for myself full-time, but since there is so much competition in the areas that I am pursuing I might not be able to make that work for me and so I have to be ready with a secondary option. 

My resume has been tweaked so that it now contains my skills that are in careers that I would like: Internet Marketing, Events Coordinator, Executive Marketing for Hotel Events, and Web Design. But… I am just not sure I want to be interviewed for a job just yet. I’d rather just take some more time off and make sure that where I am headed next is where I want to be. Or… should I just take anything for now as long as it pays the bills? 

If you were suddenly laid off from your job and you had a plethora of marketable skills, what would you do?

Design Job Updates

Projects, Projects, Projects

I’m using my sister’s laptop to write this posted note entry. I’m currently trapped in my house waiting for UPS to deliver my new MacBook Pro. I got a phone call yesterday that said, “Your delivery will arrive between 8am and 7pm. Yeah, an 11 hour window! So I am afraid to leave because I have to sign for my package and people I need that computer so I can start my life! I want to work on web projects and call clients but I’d really like to have something to work on before I start making commitments!

Other projects that I am working on:

  • Texturing guest bedroom
  • Painting Master Bedroom
  • Painting a triptic painting for the dining room
  • Working on
  • Working on
  • Finish painting the garage
  • Finding an agent and working on my book – no, it’s not the “Marry Me” book.
  • Working on the Marry Me book cover and adding illustrations to it.

So those projects are in the works, but yesterday I got a business account setup for the DJ business – as well as the car decals ordered for the back window of the Honda Pilot.

Job Updates

Things are looking up…

Since being let go on Tuesday I’ve been surprisingly busy. I scraped the ceiling in my guest room and removed the ugly popcorn that was linking my house to the 80’s. I’ve worked out and I’ve talked to a myriad of friends and I’ve got some great job opportunities already.

I think that for a while I am going to try to work for myself. I am going to launch with a new look and a list of services that will be marketed to small businesses and small churches in the DFW area. I am going to continue to DJ and I am going to try to do some Social Media consulting work for a large corporation – maybe – hopefully!

So God has really wowed me through all of this. I haven’t had a computer since Tuesday but I’ve already been contacted by individuals for web design projects and DJ gigs. It’s strange since normally I would have sent out a flurry of information, a media blitz if you will, of my resume and my availability. With no computer that hasn’t been an option.

I borrowed a laptop from my parents on Wednesday night and after updating this site and Facebook the computer crashed. I went out and bought a new hard drive for it, but it wouldn’t work. It was so bizarre that I took it as a sign because in all my years of fixing PC’s I have never seen a laptop do what this one was doing. It was like God was telling me, “Be Patient”.

I’m at an internet cafe this morning and I am about to go and buy a computer at Best Buy. I wanted a Mac, but I think I might just buy an inexpensive Dell for now because I own Photoshop CS3 and Dreamweaver for Windows and to purchase them for Mac would be another $1000 dollars.

Please continue to keep me in your prayers. I need guidance and direction and although working for myself seems like it could rock, I sort of already miss my coworkers. I think it would be awesome to work in the computer department at a church, doing web design, graphics, brochures, PowerPoints, etc. But who knows, I might just find that I like working for myself and eventually I can hire myself some employees!

Thanks again for all the love and support. I’ll keep you posted.