I'm Just Sayin

Tweets for 2008-11-24

  • Taylor Swift is on fire. #
  • Heard that a guy who is bed ridden got married and had a baby. Found the woman on e-harmony. Maybe I should give it another whirl. #

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Culture I'm Just Sayin Observations

Trick or Treat?

Trick or Treat
Smell My Feet
Give me something good to eat.
If you don’t, I don’t care
I’ll stick an apple down your underwear.

When I was really young I went trick or treating one time. I was batman and I had one of those hideous plastic masks that you strapped to your face with a piece of elastic string that invariably stung when it was snapped into place and then the mask limited your breathing and visibility. That year I truly was “blind as a bat.”

Soon after my first trick-or-treating experience we became Christians and we shunned everything in the world that smacked even remotely of sin or wickedness. This was a part of Christianity that I wasn’t too happy with at such a young age. To be stripped of this delicious priviledge – a night of free candy and fun costumes – was about as cruel as being born in a third world country and forced to grow my own food. It was so unfair!

Fortunately, the Christian church created fall festivals for those of us kids who didn’t partake in this forbidden candy apple and we were allowed to dress up as Biblical characters and spend the night in a safe environment surrounded by parents, friends and God.

I didn’t lament my loss of Trick-or-Treating as a child and fully understood the evils that surround All Hallows Eve. If you know anything about religion and history then you may know that the Christian church merged our holidays with the pagan holidays. If you can’t beat them, join them right? I’d heard of this practice but I had never seen a Wiccan holiday calendar until one day at work I saw it on a coworkers screensaver.  Easter, Christmas, and Halloween are the most obvious collaborations and we can look at each of these and see the Pagan influence.

If you look closely at Halloween you will find that for Wiccans this is their new year.

“Samhain (Sow-win, Oct. 31), Witches’ New Year, marks the death of the God and his the arrival in the Land of Youth, where he opens the gates so the souls can revisit their loved ones. It is said to be the day when the walls between the worlds are to be the thinnest and when contact with one’s ancestors can tack place. It is celebrated with the Festival of the Dead. This is a time of reflection on the year and a celebration of our ancestors.

So, there you have it, a holiday that celebrates witchcraft but one that we’ve slapped a bag of candy on and turned into something sweet. I’ll admit it, when it comes right down to it I don’t see anything wrong with trick-or-treating, it is the intent behind an action that makes it bad, but that doesn’t mean that I won’t educate my children to the truth and the dark side of this nefarious holiday.

Personally, I like to celebrate this time of year by celebrating the coming of Fall. You might see a pumpkin at my house and some fall colors, but you won’t see anything that is specifically tied to Halloween.

What are your thoughts on the matter?

I'm Just Sayin Stories Technology


“Eddie, these slides are just fine the way they are, you are the only one that has had a problem with them.”

“I think that the people you have showed them to understand the concepts before they see the slides, but we are using these slides to teach people who aren’t familiar with the process and they don’t make much sense, they are all over the place.”

“Belinda has seen the slides and she is a new employee.”

“Well, Belinda understands machines and machine language, I understand people. My point is, I think these slides can be improved upon and I don’t want ‘good enough’ I want them to be ‘the best’.”

“Well, if you have time you can redo them, but we’ve spent so much time on them already I don’t think anyone else will have time to update theirs.”

At this point I went back to my desk and took the 18 slides that seemed to lack cohesion and made them brilliantly simple. I kept all the material and graphics and turned those 18 slides into 3 simple slides. I emailed them to my co-worker who is coordinating this large training project that we are putting together.

“I got your slides, I’m okay with this, they don’t look too different from the others and so you can use them.”

I was more than a little disappointed. I took something that stunk like a big turd and turned it into something that was clear, concise and smelled like a cinnamon bark candle from Bath and Body works. I worked a friggin’ miracle and she said “It’s okay to use them?”

I sent her an email back.

“Have you ever been given a ‘demotivation’ award?”

I’m so tired with everyone thinking things are “good enough” when just a little more creativity and hard work we can have “Awesome” or “Unbelievable”.

I'm Just Sayin

Vintage Jesus | Brand New Curriculum by Mark Driscoll | Recorded in HD



Have you heard of Mark Driscoll? He started a church in Seattle that has now grown to 7,000 people. I don’t normally get excited about mega Church’s, but I like what Driscoll is selling and I’m buying it!






This is not a clip or Vintage Jesus, this is a clip called Macho Man, check it out…

Rencently Hudson Productions released an awesomely produced study called Vintage Jesus. I’ve never seen a video series like it and if you want to get a quick preview then check out

What I like about Mark Driscoll is how real he is and with the way our world is now days I think sometimes its necessary not to beat around the bush.  Check out this Youtube video entitled Biblical Oral Sex…

I don’t know about you, but I’m scouring Youtube and listening to all of his snippets. I also recently read a piece of one of his books A Radical Reformission: Reaching Out Without Selling Out and it was hilarious and funny. I was so skeptical at first because I rarely like faith-based non-fiction, but this book was actually something right up my alley.

So go now to and pick up a copy of Vintage Jesus.

I'm Just Sayin

“You Just Know”

Recently I was riding on the Dart train to Mockingbird Station when a co-worker said “My sister keeps trying to get me to explain to her how when you just know you know. So I told her, ‘I knew when I stopped checking out other guys and looking for other options. He was the one.”

Others chimed in and said, “Yep, when you know, you just know, you can’t explain it.”

I get that. Love isn’t something that is easy to explain. However, when do you know when it is ready to get a divorce? When the divorce rate is at 46% then you have to ask, “Are you sure you knew?, because from what I can tell, most people don’t know, they only think they know.”

Not hatin’ on love, I’m Just Sayin