Good News! Amber is okay!
Surgery went well for Amber yesterday. Thanks for your prayers! She will have no real complications or long term problems like bladder or uterus removal- which initially was a possibility. Yeah!
And it Snowed in Plano yesterday! It is still on the ground now! And no Rebekah it is not quite what you got in New England with a gazillion inches, but you know how it is in Texas- it rarely snows so we were amazed.
Some Old Photos to get to know me even better!
On a separate note, I did a slide show for my Grandmother for our Christmas celebration we had on the 18th. I thought I would post some pictures- mostly becuase I had never seen this picture of my grandmother before and I was wowed by how pretty she was. She used to talk about being beautiful, but I never realized that she was quite so pretty. Look at her nose and her chin and lips in this photo, they are perfect- and this is before the days of air-brushing!
Grandma Reba
“Papa” Jim Grounds
Here is a picture of my grandfather, my mom’s dad. My grandfather looked a lot like Robert Deniro before he died. Unfortunately he was hit by a drunk driver when he was in his thirties. He lived, but he was in a body cast for a year and remained on disability the rest of his life. He was a policeman who drove a motorcycle- he was hit by a drunk driver while on the motorcycle. He died a few years ago due to complications mostly incurred from over-consumption of alcohol. It was so sad- he was such a good man, but he was an alcoholic and in the end his liver and everything was eat up by alcohol. I miss him, it is weird how much more you understand when you get older. He lived with us for a little while, we were always close, but I feel like now I understand him so much more.
(From left to right)My Mom, Aunt Jan, Uncle Jimmy, Zana, Aunt Debbie.
This is a photo of my mom and her brother and sisters. My mom would die if she saw this photo, she hates her hair, but I love it, it is so 70’s! Zana is not one of her sisters, but rather a girl whose mother pretty much just handed her over to my grandmother to raise.
Dana Renz – Mom
This is my mom at 26. She was always pretty, and very young looking for her age. She will be 50 in February and people are still surprised when I tell them she is my mother- yes, my real mother. My real father who is half black and have Native American dad is where I get my amazing brown coloring for those of you who are wondering. And yes, my grandmother on my dad’s side is full-blooded Native American.
Eddo and Dawson Stem
Man I want to have kids this cute, but not as rambunctious. Little Dawson pictured here in my lap makes the Tazmanian Devil seem docile and sedated. This picture is about 2 years old, or maybe a little older. The Stem’s live in Colorado now, they are amazing people very similar to the Brady bunch- a blended family with 8 kids!! I miss them, they used to have me and some other people over for dinner every Sunday night- good times.
Precious – My Sister
One day when my sister was wearing this business suit and we were at Grandy’s the granny came over and asked my sister, “Can the kids have a lollipop mom?” The granny actually thought my sister Precious – who at the time was 13 – was the mother. Granted the lady was probably 80 and couldn’t see well, but we still get a laugh about it today.
Me, My sister Precious, My sister Dena, and My Cousin Kidd
I have great sisters, and a great family all around.
Merry Christmas!