
I’m asking him to change his ways…

Sick to my stomach I reach for a bottle of water. My insides are so empty I can feel the icy refreshment in the deepest parts of my insides. “More!” my body screams and I answer. Chug, chug, gulp, gulp. I cannot consume the water fast enough. It tastes so good once it touches my dry, cracked lips.

Now I’m sweating. Sweating so profusely I appear to be a soaked sponge being squeezed. Water pools around me salty, disgusting, dirty. My breath is hot, my legs are tired as I press, press, press. I’ve gone 3 miles but I am still in the same place.

My breakfast of vitamins and a protein shake threaten to revisit me. I breathe through my nose and swallow to choke back the urge to let it go.  I just want to let it all go…



Well, it sure boosted my ego…

Yesterday I went to 7-11 to get a magazine. One thing about our 7-11 here in Plano is that it has a plethora of magazines to choose from and so I chose this months copy of Muscle and Fitness.  When I went up to the counter to pay the guy said, “Is that you on the cover?” “Haha, no, but it does sort of look like me.” I replied. I left feeling pretty good about myself. From ManiAAC to muscle magazine cover – not bad.  I wish I could find a bigger picture of this cover, perhaps tomorrow I will bring in my mag to work and scan it so you can see it better.


Knock Knock. Who’s there? Halli. Halli who?


I don’t know why this subject has been so prevalent in my world lately, but it is. Thank God I don’t have this awful gum disease.  According to Wikipedia, “chronic halitosis is not very well understood or even recognized as a treatable condition by most physicians and dentists, so effective treatment is difficult to find.”

Recently this friend of mine said she went out with some friends and this cute guy was hitting on her. She thought he was cute and very kind and only later really started to smell his breath the more they talked. Obviously any form of bad breath is a complete turn-off but halitosis breath is almost unbearable.

“One’s own breath odor is often undetectable due to habituation, although many people will have an accompanying bad taste (metallic, sour, fecal, etc) depending on oral dryness and the degree of breath odor.” Fecal? ugh. can you imagine having a fecal matter taste in your mouth all the time? Personally I don’t know what fecal matter tastes like and I plan to live my entire life without that knowledge, but some people live with that taste in their mouth and they can’t get it out! Ugh.

So what causes halitosis? I don’t know and Wikipedia was unclear, however, I have heard that sometimes it is associated with gum disease and gingivitis and so I plan on flossing more and using Listerine every day because I don’t want to have bad breath or fecal taste in my mouth EVER!

To hear a very funny song that JC from Kiss FM made up about Halitosis then click here. and then go to the blue box that says “KPOD” and you can hear the song.


As Krunchy as a bowl of Kashi

I’ve been shopping at Whole Foods, drinking shots of wheatgrass and removing all high-fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated fats from my life. I’m eating more tuna and turkey and less beef and sausage.  Fried is no longer a part of my vocabulary unless we are going to Babe’s chicken shack and then I’ll make an exception.  Pretty soon I’ll be driving a hybrid vehicle, listening to folk music, using a Mac, wearing Pachouli and hugging trees.

You see, I’m 31 and recently my friend Alan’s dad had to have a triple by-pass. My step- dad has had some recent heart issues and I can’t help but think that because my real dad has adult on-set diabetes that I am a prime candidate for the self-induced disease and I don’t want that. I am not married yet and I don’t have kids, but one day I want to have both and I don’t want to burden my family with a lot of health problems and so I am taking steps now because I didn’t take them sooner and sooner is better than never.

I’ve never been really good at eating properly. I love fast food, sugar, and anything that is convenient and cheap. Eating healthy is time-consuming, inconvenient and expensive and that goes against everything that I’ve ever stood for – until now. Now I realize that if I don’t do something now then I am going to pay for it later. Eating healthy is a great alternative to being on Diabetes medication or Lipitor (Cholesterol lowering meds).

I’m finally starting to grow up and think like an adult. Blech! That is something else that has never appealed to me and I don’t like being responsible and worrying about how much fiber I have in my diet, but it’s time. High time that I started to take care of myself and really watch what I am doing with my body because it is the only one I’ve got. If my house falls apart or my truck breaks down I can always get a new one, but if my kidney’s fail that isn’t as easy to replace.

So what about you? What are you doing to take care of yourself today?

Health Relationships Uncategorized

Good News! Amber is okay!Surgery went well for A…

Good News! Amber is okay!

Surgery went well for Amber yesterday. Thanks for your prayers! She will have no real complications or long term problems like bladder or uterus removal- which initially was a possibility. Yeah!

And it Snowed in Plano yesterday! It is still on the ground now! And no Rebekah it is not quite what you got in New England with a gazillion inches, but you know how it is in Texas- it rarely snows so we were amazed.

Some Old Photos to get to know me even better!

On a separate note, I did a slide show for my Grandmother for our Christmas celebration we had on the 18th. I thought I would post some pictures- mostly becuase I had never seen this picture of my grandmother before and I was wowed by how pretty she was. She used to talk about being beautiful, but I never realized that she was quite so pretty. Look at her nose and her chin and lips in this photo, they are perfect- and this is before the days of air-brushing!

Grandma Reba

“Papa” Jim Grounds

Here is a picture of my grandfather, my mom’s dad. My grandfather looked a lot like Robert Deniro before he died. Unfortunately he was hit by a drunk driver when he was in his thirties. He lived, but he was in a body cast for a year and remained on disability the rest of his life. He was a policeman who drove a motorcycle- he was hit by a drunk driver while on the motorcycle. He died a few years ago due to complications mostly incurred from over-consumption of alcohol. It was so sad- he was such a good man, but he was an alcoholic and in the end his liver and everything was eat up by alcohol. I miss him, it is weird how much more you understand when you get older. He lived with us for a little while, we were always close, but I feel like now I understand him so much more.

(From left to right)My Mom, Aunt Jan, Uncle Jimmy, Zana, Aunt Debbie.

This is a photo of my mom and her brother and sisters. My mom would die if she saw this photo, she hates her hair, but I love it, it is so 70’s! Zana is not one of her sisters, but rather a girl whose mother pretty much just handed her over to my grandmother to raise.

Dana Renz – Mom

This is my mom at 26. She was always pretty, and very young looking for her age. She will be 50 in February and people are still surprised when I tell them she is my mother- yes, my real mother. My real father who is half black and have Native American dad is where I get my amazing brown coloring for those of you who are wondering. And yes, my grandmother on my dad’s side is full-blooded Native American.

Eddo and Dawson Stem

Man I want to have kids this cute, but not as rambunctious. Little Dawson pictured here in my lap makes the Tazmanian Devil seem docile and sedated. This picture is about 2 years old, or maybe a little older. The Stem’s live in Colorado now, they are amazing people very similar to the Brady bunch- a blended family with 8 kids!! I miss them, they used to have me and some other people over for dinner every Sunday night- good times.

Precious – My Sister

One day when my sister was wearing this business suit and we were at Grandy’s the granny came over and asked my sister, “Can the kids have a lollipop mom?” The granny actually thought my sister Precious – who at the time was 13 – was the mother. Granted the lady was probably 80 and couldn’t see well, but we still get a laugh about it today.

Me, My sister Precious, My sister Dena, and My Cousin Kidd

I have great sisters, and a great family all around.

Merry Christmas!