The One I Scared Away
The One I Scared Away
I've been using Stream Energy now since July 9, 2007. I bought a new house and for 3 months my bill was only $67 dollars. I figured this was an error so when I received an adjusted invoice for 3 months for $500 dollars I expected it. However, it is now March and I just received a bill for $927.00. I called because I thought it was just an error and they said, "No, we billed you based on estimated usage, not actual usage." When I told them that I live alone and that my bill had never been over $250 even in the hottest months of August and September, he said that I might have squirrels in my attic chewing through the wiring.
Labels: Electrical Bill
I am really getting into this World Cup Soccer. With 3 billion people watching it how can I not? I saw David Beckham bend it today - his single point helped England beat Paraguay.
I freakin love Hogan Knows Best. Not only that, I want his wife and his kids. I want Hulk Hogans life... and I plan to have one just like it someday.
I think Tom Cruise is cool. He is weird and zany, but he is true to himself. He speaks his mind. He is committed to Scientology despite the fact that it is insane.
I am really into this new Dixie Chicks song: I'm Not Ready to Make Nice.
But I can't stop listening to:
I never thought Tori Spelling was all that Attractive on Beverly Hills 90210. However, the new Tori Spellling, THE Tori Spelling who plays herself in VH1's SO NOTORIOUS is absolutely, positively, insatiably smoking hot gorgeous. She is funny. F-U-N-N-Y in this new show and I can't get enough of it. I hope I can download it someday from iTunes.
I am VERY disappointed in Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. As a kid I found it second only to Cookie Crisp. Now, it doesn't even taste the same. Over the years the "toast" has become smaller. The sugar has become blah and the cinnamon tastes bland. Maybe it is my taste buds changing, but I think it is actually that the cereal has changed. There is a visual difference and I want my old CTC BACK!!!
I haven't been investing my future like I should. My sister invests in coins and real estate, but not me, nope, I just plan to die at an early age so I don't have to worry about retirement and social security. But just in case you are thinking about living a long life, then you might want to look into buying some coins like the American Silver Eagle.
I don't like "Everybody loves Raymond" it is just not for me, too much bickering on the show for my taste.
1. I fell the other night at a Mavs game while trying to get off the floor in a hurry. Thousands of screaming fans witnessed my 300 pound body flopping around on the floor. That thunder you thought you heard the other night - that was me falling. Hard. ON MY KNEES! Ouch! So my right knee has a huge sore on it now that has turned into a scab which leads me to part to of this "I hate to admit it..." post.
I have worn the same pair of jeans for the last 2 weeks without washing them.
I like this song until I saw the video.
I always get addicted to MTV's shows like The Gauntlet 2, the Gauntlet, and The Inferno! Can you get enough of this show? It is just out of control competition reality goodness and badness all rolled into one and I watch it over and over because MTV will show the same show like 5 times in one day.
This site got kicked off of Google Ads. I requested that my users click on my Google Ads in two different posts and that is against the rules. WHO READS THE RULES??? I didn't.
I am a huge fan of Dolly Parton. I don't know why. Maybe it was when we were little and we went to Corpus Christi my parents played her tape over and over and over. Jolene, Coat of Many Colors, Momma Ran off with my Travelin' Man - they have stuck with me for probably 20 years. If they came on the radio right now I bet I could sing them word for word.
Over the weekend I watched America's Next Top Model - it was a marathon of women posing, and turning and walking and crying and I was totally drawn in by it. The final two was Yoanna and Mercedes - and I didn't get to see who finally won. Who won?
I ran out of my Kenneth Cole Black cologne a couple of weeks ago. I like to smell good and this week I was feeling a little less than fresh and I needed to be somewhere - and so instead of showering I just spritzed myself all over with Febreeze.
I don't get the buzz about BECK. I don't think I have heard a song one of his that I liked. What about you? Do you like Beck?
I can't stop thinking about Gyro's today. I want one so bad right now. I plan to get one after a meeting I have today at 1:00, but until then my stomach is going to growl and growl until I fill it with spicy GYRO!! I don't eat much Greek, but when I do, I go to Greek Isles and I eat up on the Gyro.
In order to increase blog traffic to my site I have been inquiring with a few of my international friends as to some names of some international superstars.
Last night I had a dream that I was at the drive thru at Burger King. They had this contest going where after you placed your order they would play three songs and if you named the singers correctly you won cash!
I put a brand new bottle of magic shell in the fridge. It hardened in the bottle. I was LIVID because I really wanted to eat it.
I am somewhat of a blog snob. If I go to a blog that I love but the design is ugly I can't help but want to perform an extreme makeover on it immediately.
I am extremely materialistic. I want so much crap and I am determined to have it. Is that so bad? I don't want stuff so bad that it causes me to do illegal things to get it, but I want to live a lifestyle of ease. I want to be able to afford massages and Hockey tickets anytime I want. I want a Range Rover and a nice house. I want to be able to travel and lavishly enjoy myself with nice rental cars and provate beaches. I WANT IT, I WANT IT, I WANT IT!!!
Last night after doing 45 hard minutes on an ellyptical machine I went to the grocery store to buy eggs.
I watched VH1's Surreal Life last night and I loved it. Pepa from Salt-n-Pepa has got to be one of the coolest women I have ever seen on reality tv. She kept her cool numerous times on the show when I know personally I would have thrown a fit.
I am actually watching The Real World - Austin. I live here in Texas and so I justify it with that. I am over at Maksim's as we speak and I just finished watching it. He has wireless internet and so I am maksimizing on this opportunity to blog and watch at the same time.
I am huge but I have a gnat's bladder. Or maybe I have to go to the bathroom so much because I insist on hydrating with at least a gallon of water each day. All I know is that right now I am about to explode even as I type this.
In the summer I am addicted to Gold Bond Select Comfort.
I am not a fan of the Fig Newton. I am actually quite a bit of a cookie snob and here is how I rate my cookies.
I am still a little t-o'd at Anonymous for leaving these cowardly comments on my site. For some reason I just can't let it go.
I am not as smart as I thought I was - this is mostly right, but I thought I had a better vocabulary than this...
Your English Skills: |
Grammar: 80% |
Spelling: 80% |
Punctuation: 60% |
Vocabulary: 20% |
I haven't brushed my teeth in two days... I ran out of toothpaste and so when I got back from Hawaii I squeezed out a little bit in a tube that I found in my bathroom drawer. Then I got home last night and realized that I was still out of toothpaste, but it was close to midnight so I just brushed without paste.
I have crossed that line, I have made the leap, I am ADDICTED.
I am now over being sick. The feeling of food poisoning is gone. I no longer want certain foods, but I am starved for something, and that something just so happens to be everything that is not on my diet - and you know what, after being sick I feel like I deserve a treat, and so today I ate a bunch of crap - most of it was delicious, but most of it just made me feel sick.
I am turning into a diet Nazi. In order to be a diet Nazi you have to have a few of these traits.
I just don't get what is so great about a gmail account? Can someone please tell me? I mean people have been coming up to me and saying, "I have a gmail account, do you?" And I reply, "Um... have you met me? Of course I have gmail account, I am ALWAYS up on the latest trends." However, I already have a work email account, a yahoo mail account, and a email account and I don't need anymore email accounts, but, I have one so people will stop trying to add me to the exclusive gmail club - which really isn't all that exclusive.
I am a bit OC (Obsessive Compulsive) when it comes to new music that I love.
There are some people out there that are better than me when it comes to design... I know, I know, hold back the gasps, it's true, I have seen them with my own eyes, one of them is Roger Ferris, Jes Ferris' husband.
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I Hate to Admit it But...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but....
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I ran a red light yesterday on my way to the Eddodontist. Yeah, I got a ticket, and when he asked me if I knew why he stopped me I just laughed and shook my head real big like- I was totally busted. It was a right turn on green arrow only light, and it was all clear, and I was running late so I just turned. As many times as I have ran red lights and not gotten stopped, then I sort of deserved this one. Just doing my part to help the community of Frisco.
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...
I hate to admit it but...