I'm Just Sayin


I write these posts now to just keep a diary of my life. It doesn’t happen as often as it should because I have been to busy living life and have had little time to jot down notes about it.

It’s 2011 and this year I started with a personal trainer for 3 months. Twice a week I killed my muscles and while I felt like it was good for me to go to a personal trainer, I hate that it took up time and was a fixed time. I like flexibility in my schedule… and in my body for that matter, though I have very little.

In April I started a low-carb diet for the 1000th time. It worked well for the first 10 days or so and then I started to get tired of it. The great thing about low-carb diets is that you do lose weight fast. Unfortunately, I like to eat carbs and I love variety and so this was a problem for me. Today I plan to start Weight Watchers for Men. I’ve got to keep after my weight-loss goals. It has been a life-long battle and I don’t like to count or measure. I don’t like to budget. I abhor having to limit myself and to say “No”, but I’ve got to start.

I’m still single. No dating prospects right now. I met a cool girl a couple of weeks ago, unfortunately she lives in Georgia.

I have been working on my second book. It’s autobiographical and it’s finished for the most part. I need to do a lot of editing and then I want to see about getting it published this summer.

I love my apartment. I currently live in Krum, TX and I never thought I would enjoy just a simple apartment with minimal furnishings. I keep it very tidy. This is new for me. When I had my house I was unorganized and there would be times my house would be a mess for days. I watched a movie called “The Mechanic” and I loved how organized and orderly Jason Statham was in that movie. I thought, “I should be like that”. The recurring theme throughout the movie was VICTORY LOVES PREPARATION. I love that. It is now the theme on my business cards.

Business has been booming lately. So much so that I can’t keep up with it. But that is a good thing.

I’m still working at Denton Bible Church and it is challenging. I’ve been there for a year and 4 months. It’s hard to believe. Time has flown by. Teaching 5th and 6th grade is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I’d like to say, “But it’s also very rewarding!” but it isn’t. I don’t really see a lot of change in the students – nor do I expect to at this age. My goal is to teach them Christ and him crucified. To teach them how to share the gospel with others and how to glorify God in all that they do. I’m not sure how successful I am, but each week I pray that God uses me in spite of my inadequacies. I just make myself available and do the best I can.

In the youth ministry and in the church as a whole we are going through a rough patch right now. Thankfully the new sanctuary will be paid off this year and maybe when that burden is lifted we can focus on ministry more. It seems that everytime a new program is mentioned it is preceded by the phrase, “Once we get the building paid off”. I understand that this is a priority and I pray that it gets paid off soon and that we can move forward and grow and do more outreach.

Personal goals as always are to get on a budget and stick to it. To work on my health and physical fitness. And most importantly to grow in my relationship with Christ and to not grow weary in doing good. (Mark 6:9)

God Bless.


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