I'm Just Sayin

DBSM – Denton Bible Student Ministries

I’m still oscillating between moments of elation followed by intense moments of self-doubt and intestine rumbling apprehension.

I just left Elevate, which is the name of the high school Wednesday night ministry, and it was a blast. Chris did a really amazing job teaching on sin and I was actually inspired to do better in my walk. He brought up this amazing point about how Christ went through so much for us and he never asked us to earn what he did, but we should earn it. Every day we should wake up being thankful that we didn’t have to go through being whipped, beaten, persecuted and then crucified on a cross. I thank God that he sent his son to die on the cross for my sins. God is awesome. Jesus Rocks. And I’m loving being part of such a great ministry.


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