
Do You Posted Note? Trivia Game 1

1. I used to write reasons to marry me. I stopped at 101. Reason#88 I drank of what? 
2. Working with Photoshop I came up with a design and featured it on this post, which was a result of creative ________?
3. According to this post, where were the Bikram Yoga Championships of 2007 held?  
4. According to this post, the Ancient Chinese believed this number to be sexual.  
5. I wrote a short story called, “The Storm” – what was the name of the son in that story?  
6. Let. It. Go. In this story I tell people to stop holding on to what?  
7. I grew up in Sanger, TX – according to this post, what was the population when I first moved there?
8. In my post 105 Truths and 5 lies, on number 34 what was I for one summer?  
9. In my post 105 Truths and 5 lies, on number 68 I skipped what grade?  
10. When I first started blogging I had a website called The Silver _____, hint, it was after a book in the Chronicles of Narnia.

I recently received some gift cards through various rewards programs that are offered through Chase Credit and Debit cards as well as Best Buy’s Reward Program. When the gift cards came in the mail I thought, “Why not use these fun cards for a contest?” 

First Place:  $100 dollar gift card to Best Buy.  $50 dollar gift card to iTunes and $50 dollar gift card to Target. (Total of $200)

Second Place: $50 dollar gift card to Borders Books

Third Place: $25 dollar gift card to Starbucks

If you are a long-time reader of Posted Note then you might remember a contest I did here all the way back in 2005. It was a huge success and so much fun, but also quite a bit of work. I think this one might be a little easier on me and my readers. 

This contest will be a series of trivia questions. The answers can all be found on this website 

For three days at 8:00 a.m.  I will post the Trivia Questions starting Monday February 23rd. To be clear, that means I will post questions on February 23rd, 24th, and 25th. 

What you must do is find the answers and keep them to yourself. On the 26th post a comment that says, “I have the answers!” or pretty much any comment, it doesn’t matter what you say, it just matters that you post a comment and it has your name and email. You can post a comment as many times as you want. At the end of the day, Midnight, of the 26th I will tally all the comments and then I will ask my mom to pick 3 numbers from 1 to whatever the number of comments and those winners,if they have all the correct answers will win.

Why a contest? Part of the reason for this is to see if contests or Google Ads drives more traffic to a website. If you spend $200 a month on Advertising for your site, perhaps you could get just as many clicks to your site by giving free stuff away? Google Ads are expensive because you pay for 1000 impressions, meaning, if your ad is viewed, but not clicked, 1000 times, you get charged. And with the 1000’s of people on the Google Ad Network you can blow your budget really quick and not get any clicks or visits to your site.

Full set of contest rules and disclaimers are noted here.

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