Culture Stories

Jesus Loves Porn Stars

It seems to be a strange way of reaching out to people who are addicted to pornography, but perhaps it is working.

X3 or XXXChurch is a ministry that is reaching out to people addicted to pornography. In the above video I was a little surprised to see such an odd spectacle featuring Ron Jeremy and a host of other icons in their trade – Stryper, The Million Dollar Man, Greg Valentine, put on a show that was supposed to educate people about the problems of pornography and its addictive nature.

I’ve got mixed feelings on the video and wish they would have showed more of the heartfelt talk by The Million Dollar Man than the rest of the show that seemed poorly produced, in the end, I hope they do get their point across.

I found out about this group while reading a book called, “Click” which is a book about what people are searching for on the internet. Written by Hitwise manager of global media Bill Tancer, it is a really interesting read about how the world can be gauged by what we search for on the internet.

jesus-loves-porn-starsThe XXXChurch is going to porn conventions and handing out Bibles with the words “Jesus Loves Porn Stars” on them. I’m actually on board with this because it promotes love and not hate. Christians should be loving when we are ministering to individuals no matter what their sin is, because we are all sinners and God does love all of us.

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