Relationships Stories

Back to Reality…

Wow, Turkey Day is over and now it’s time to get back to work. Here are some pictures from the Turkey Trot.

Eddie - Look how big my hand looks!
Zoey, Uncle Eddo and Uncle Josh in the red shirt
Dave and Zoey
Dave and his daughter Zoey
Dave, Eddie, Josh
Dave - Eddo - Josh
Melinda, Jonathan, Cody, Amy and Eddo
Melinda - Jonathan - Cody - Amy - Eddo

Mona, Zoey, Eddo, Erika, Josh
Mona - Zoey - Eddo - Erika - Josh
Group Photo Time!
Melinda - Dumas - Cody - Eddo - Dave - Josh

These are all friends who I consider family. I love doing the Turkey Trot and wish that my actual family would do it with me one year. It is so nice to do something on Thursday morning that is giving charitably and also active since the rest of the day is normally spent in a gluttonous stupor watching football. But don’t get me wrong, gluttionous stupor is one of my favorite stupors.

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