
Tweets for 2008-10-08

  • These guys keep going over the time limit and it is making the whole debate prickly… #
  • ooh, Obama is ready to scrap… #
  • Ovama: My “First Term” meaning he’s planning the second one already… #
  • there is a guy in that audience wearing a baseball cap. Come on… #
  • @smwhr23 focus on the issues, not on personal looks – that’s really shallow… neither of them are Brad Pitt #
  • Maybe McCain is color blind? They should just kill the Mic or start playing music when their turn is over. #
  • Should healthcare be treated as a commodity – why can’t they just answer yes or no? #
  • @tracycoogan – what? It’s been proven that Obama won’t raise taxes? That doesn’t make any sense. He said he was going to… what’d I miss? #
  • YES! No government mandates… we need less government meddling in our lives. #
  • Why not let the government run everything that we feel we “must” have? We could end up like Du Bai where the government owns everything. #
  • Esquire names 42 year old Halle Berry ‘Sexiest Woman Alive’ – I can’t help but agree, have you seen her clavicles? #
  • Are those space pants? Cause your ass is out of this world… hahahaha. I just heard that and cackled a bit. #
  • I am standing in a 20 person line for a cup of coffee at UTD. I would have done the same for POPS when is was a kid. Gotta have’em! #

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