
Crazy about Moo

I’ve been wanting to get some business cards put together for for ages now. I keep putting it off because no one has had the look that I want for the price I want to pay – until now. Rencently I was reading a bloggers site and she said, “You need business cards – you need Moo.”

Intrigued I headed over and was immediately elated to find that I could print 100 different images on 100 cards for just 19.99. Shut the Front Door! These are mini business cards and that just makes them even more fantastic because they are different than the normal boring business card.

I plan to also use some of their other card services for handing out my blog url, just some that say eddie renz and that’s it.

Also, I’m a little envious that they have this super easy url – how awesome is that?

If you want to make some personalized business cards, photo cards or sticker books – go check them out.  

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