
Tweets for 2008-05-30

  • Penny and Desmond. I want a love like that. One that travels through space and time and overcomes all obstacles. Love that conquers all. #
  • Water was not fully turned off and so I sort of flooded the kitchen with the new dishwasher install. Floors are very clean now. #
  • I’m so over my backup software. It seems to only backup my work stuff and non of my music, games, or pictures. read: the important stuff. #
  • Was invited to a KLAD event. What is KLAD? Is it like GLAAD? I’m afraid to ask. #
  • Was invited to a KLAD event. What is KLAD? Is it like GLAAD? I’m afraid to ask. #
  • Feeling Psychic… about to head to Denton at 5PM from Plano, I see Traffic in my future, and fried food, possibly at the same time. #

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