
Youth Pastor: Life Comes Full Circle

Recently it seems that God has laid on my heart to do something in ministry. I’ve been bouncing around to various churches and enjoying the worship and fellowship, but I haven’t gotten my hands dirty in a long while. When I was younger I wanted to be a youth pastor, but I don’t think I had the real world experience required to be a good youth pastor. I needed time to develop spiritually and emotionally, but now I think I have reached a point in life where I would be a good youth pastor.

So I Googled “Youth Pastor Job Openings” not knowing where to start and found I was delighted to find a small church that only wanted a part time youth pastor.  Without hesitation I sent a quick email outlining my qualifications and my desire to reach youth for Christ. I really relate well with teens, actually, I find that I relate well with humans in general and this would be a great opportunity to start a path in life that will really mean something.

When I was 5 or 6 and the principal of a school asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I said, “A Preacher”. My parents always hoped that some day that would come true, and maybe, just maybe… it might.

So say a quick prayer for me followed by a few long prayers and some fasting. I’m redirecting things in my life and I want to make some changes. We’ll see where God is taking me.

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