
Tweets for 2008-04-07

  • As he pushed the mower he rocked out on Metro Station’s "Shake It" and "Shake It" he did. #
  • Once she tasted my twitter, she kept coming back for more. #
  • "Deliscioso!" Kept running through her head and she had Dora the Explorer to thank for that. #
  • Oh that report? I’m working on it subconsciously while I consciously read through these blogs and download music. It’s called multitasking. #
  • Six Word Memoir: Got the joke. It was me. #
  • "Shame, shame, shame" she scolded, but he was still not inclined to be a Barnes and Noble Member. #
  • Chicken pot, chicken pot, chicken pot pie! He had it for lunch and laughed as the polka dotted girls delighted about mac and cheese. #
  • I bit on that opportunity like a pit-bull on a candy-coated 5 year old girl. #
  • A slightly nibbled-on king-size Nestle Crunch bar, hanging out of the wrapper, tempting me like Cindy Crawford’s cleavage… #

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