
I’m a homeowner! Sort of…

Well, I closed today on my house. I signed all the paperwork – tons and tons of paperwork. However, I don’t have any keys and I am now in a hotel in Westlake and I didn’t get to even go and take a look in my house on the day I closed on it. Yuck. They don’t tell you that when you close on a house that all the paperwork has to be faxed to the mortgage company from the title company and then some magic must happen before they will turn over your keys! Ugh. All that build up, the excitement and then the let down. I am sure that once I have my keys in hand it will feel more real, but at this moment it just feels the same. Like I’m still waiting to get my house when in actuality I already have it… except for one tiny thing. My sister, who is my realtor, called me and said that there was a misunderstanding between the mortgage company and the title company and so she can’t go and pick up my keys until the morning. This is not something that you want to hear after you’ve just signed your life away for 30 years. I mean, from this point on I’ll probably always have a mortgage – unless I win the lotto.

Now as I type this in my very cozy room I want nothing more than to take a power nap, but I can’t, I’ve got work to do. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy… but work pays the mortgage.

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