
Design for Work

Diversity FairI’m happiest when I’m getting to create and so today I am very happy. I accidentally created this image today and I am quite pleased with it. (You can log on to flickr and view the larger sizes for a more detailed view)

The thing is, I got Photoshop CS3 Extended edition and so now I’m totally trying out new things and enjoying just having the software program again. I haven’t had photoshop since I updated computers back in January and I feel like I have been walking around with a missing finger – I felt very incomplete.

The great thing about this image is that it was an accident. The colors, the black flowers, the overall design – all by chance. I had started with a totally different design in mind and then I was feeling bankrupt in the creative department and I just stated playing around and this is what came out of that creative randomness.

I’m quite pleased with the result. Now I can see why Van Gogh liked to be hopped up on drugs whenever he painted, sometimes the best design comes from an untapped creative source that cannot be reached when we are trying to reach it.

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