
I’m Vexed

Well, as you can see, I did it. I upgraded to WordPress. I went through the slow processes of FTPing all the files up to my server, creating my databases manually, then I found a pretty template to work with and Voila – I’m no longer a college blogger, I am an adult blogger with a grown-up publishing system that is smart and sophisticated on some levels, but retarded on others. Let me explain…

 This new Word Press site will not import all of my blogger posts. What will I do? I WANT MY POSTS! Will they eventually upgrade Word Press so it will allow the importation? Should I Google the answer? Yes!

 Oh, and once I went through the hassle of upgrading my WordPress account myself, I found an icon in my CPanel that said, “Fantastico”. “What’s this?” I wondered. Then I clicked on it and it was a nifty tool that would install WordPress with the single click of a button! Who Knew!!! LIVID I was to find this little tool, but I was also happy with myself for doing it on my own.

 So now, I have this new blog and none of my old posts and I have to re-learn how to design templates so I can make one all my own. I have to admit that this template that I found is EXACTLY what I was looking to design myself except I was going to do it in blue and green. So much for that idea. Now I will redesign it myself when I have some time, but for now, I like this template, it’s perty.

 Oh, and I think that comments should appear now without moderation. Can you try leaving some and let me know what you think?

So this is it then… we’re using Word Press, let me know if you think I should switch back, it probably won’t happen, but I want your feedback.

Oooh, let’s test a picture… Purity

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