
The Emancipation of Eddie

Visitors, Friends, Family, Loved Ones, Enemies, Haters, Playas… you have done it, you have helped me reach my goal of 5000 unique visitors this month! (actually 5051 as of yesterday!!)

I realize that lately I have been behind on my posting due to some serious design work and rapping, however, I promise to be back with many a story for you next week. Will the stories be true? Um… Probably not, and that is what makes them such great stories! I promise to give you all the lurid details of my life. I might discuss “pizza bumper” and wearing wet clothes to the gym. I might tell you about the latest fashion craze, or the best tasting new food that I keep gorging on, or I might tell you about the differene between flirting and sexual harassment… so be sure to check back next week and I know you won’t leave disappointed.

This week I feel free because I have completed so many jobs that were tying me down. I have a little extra money in the bank to spend on something that I want, and I am listening to Mariah Carey’s new song “Shake it Off” and thus the reason for this blog title.

I love you all and thanks so much for visiting Posted Note.

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